Joining UMSP² is easy. To obtain a quick overview, here are shown

5 steps that will happen from beginning to end, if you like to take part.

We are going to communicate more specific questions via E-Mail.

UMSP² will officially start when the COVID-situation becomes more relaxed.

Nevertheless we are already looking forward to your mail, because you are able

to request your TOOL in advance and get listed as a participant, if you like.

© 2020 | Imprint

UMSP² will officially start when the COVID-situation becomes

more relaxed. Nevertheless we are already looking forward to your

mail, because you are able to request your TOOL in advance and

get listed as a participant, if you like.

© 2020 | Imprint

Joining UMSP² is easy. To obtain

a quick overview, here are shown

5 steps that will happen from begin-

ning to end, if you like to take part.


We are going to communicate

more specific questions via E-Mail.

UMSP² will officially start when the COVID-

situation becomes more relaxed. Neverthe-

less we are already looking forward to your

mail, because you are able to request your

TOOL in advance and get listed as a partici-

pant, if you like.

© 2020 | Imprint